We strive to enhance board and director effectiveness through our board evaluations and corporate governance consulting.
We are seasoned corporate governance consultants and lawyers and we provide board evaluations and assessments and practical governance solutions to your company and your board.
What sets us apart is our experience working with a variety of boards as corporate governance consultants coupled with our years as in-house lawyers actually doing the work implementing corporate governance best practices tailored to our large public companies and boards.
We have seen first-hand which board governance practices can be most effective. Our competitive advantage is that we are seasoned corporate governance practitioners and board advisors with a solid track record of working successfully with boards and board members and their companies. Clients range in size from large international companies to smaller, younger public companies, private companies and large nonprofit organizations, including large pension and retirement funds. We scale our work and fees to your project.
Our Team
Veaco Group Founder
Kristina Veaco believes that sound corporate governance must be practical and tailored to the needs of each company. She founded Veaco Group in recognition of the growing emphasis on corporate governance and the need for expert advisory and support services to boards and senior management. She and her team specialize in providing independent board evaluations and effectiveness reviews, individual director assessments, skills assessments and corporate governance consulting and advisory services. Veaco Group works with public, private and nonprofits, including pension and retirement funds to improve board effectiveness.
Cherie serves or has served on a number of nonprofit boards in leadership roles including currently Chair of the Board of the national board of the American Association of University Women, Chair of the Board of Marin Villages, President of the Rotary Club of Tiburon Sunset and formerly as Chair of the Board of the American Conservatory Theater. She is a former board member of the Society for Corporate Governance, a former Chair of the Corporate Practices Committee and the recipient of the Society’s highest honor, the Bracebridge Young Award. Cherie is also a fellow of the Conference Board ESG Center and a member of the International Women’s Forum.
Cherie is a recognized speaker and author on corporate governance matters. She is the executive editor and author of Nonprofit Governance and Management, 3rd Edition, published by the American Bar Association and the Society for Corporate Governance, the co-author with Kristina Veaco of The Role of the Corporate Secretary: Facilitating Corporate Governance and the Work of Corporate Boards published by Bloomberg BNA, as well as other publications on governance topics for the Society of Corporate Governance and in connection with her work for Veaco Group.
Cherie graduated from Indiana University with a B.A. in Spanish, graduating with highest distinction, and an M.A. in education. She earned her J.D. from Northwestern University Law School where she was a member of the Order of the Coif.
Veaco Group Consultant
Cheryl (Cherie) Sorokin is an attorney and consultant on corporate governance matters with the Veaco Group. Her significant experience with corporate governance began when Cherie served as Group Executive Vice President and Corporate Secretary of Bank of America NT&SA & Corp. She was the first woman to hold this position at the bank. Her practical in-house legal, governance and business experience provided the foundation of her current work.
Prior to forming Veaco Group, Kris advised public companies on securities law compliance and corporate governance as in-house corporate securities counsel. Her last in-house role was running the Office of Corporate Secretary at McKesson Corporation. Prior to that she led the corporate securities group at AirTouch Communications, now Vodafone.
Kris frequently speaks and writes on corporate governance matters. She is a longstanding member of the Society for Corporate Governance and is a former President of the Northern California, Nevada and Hawaii Chapter and a former member of the Advisory Board and of the National Board of the Society. Kris is also a Fellow of the Conference Board ESG Center. She received a lifetime achievement award for her work in corporate governance at the Women’s 100 and is a member of the International Women’s Forum.
Kris graduated from the University of California, Davis with a B.A. in Political Science/Public Service with highest honors. She was a Regents Scholar and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She received her J.D. from UC Law San Francisco (formerly Hastings College of the Law).