Board Evaluations & Assessments:
Enhancing BOARD Effectiveness

Increase Board Effectiveness through Insightful Board Evaluations

Board evaluations are an invaluable tool for improving board effectiveness and are essential for ensuring continuous improvement in board functioning. 

Board evaluations enable directors to reflect on how they are functioning as a board - what is working well and what improvements may be needed. 

Board evaluations can better align the board and senior management and can also be used for board succession planning. 

Board evaluations can allow board members to provide their perspective on what changes in board focus, process and practices may lead to greater board effectiveness. 

The Power of Board Evaluations

When individual director assessments are part of the board evaluation process, directors also have the opportunity to reflect on their own levels of participation and effectiveness. Confidential reviews by board colleagues (peer reviews) help directors understand how they are perceived by their colleagues and can provide constructive feedback to improve individual and overall board effectiveness.

Using experienced independent corporate governance consultants to conduct the board’s evaluation from time to time can invigorate the board evaluation process. 

Business meeting with people at a table, focusing on a hand, a laptop, notebooks, and a glass of water.

Our approach

We tailor the approach and adjust our process based on the particular needs of each board. Our goal is to identify what the board is doing well and any areas for improvement that could enhance the board’s overall effectiveness. We work with board and management leadership to understand the company, and what is important for the board at this time. 

Elements of a board evaluation process may include all or some combination of the following:

  • The board's evaluation of its own effectiveness

  • Committee evaluations

  • Individual director assessments

  • In addition to any areas identified in our interviews with board leadership and select members of senior management, areas we may explore include some fundamental features of board governance including the following:

    - Board dynamics and culture;

    - Alignment on the current strategy and direction of the organization;

    - CEO succession planning;

    - Board composition and succession planning;

    - Board/management communications;

    - Board materials/information;

    - How the board spends its time; and

    - Any company-centric issues not covered in the above

    Our questions are tailored to each board and typically call for brief written responses, oral responses during interviews with board members, or some combination of the two. We have found that standardized questionnaires and ratings are less helpful to understanding director perspectives. We want to hear what directors have to say and our role is to listen to them.

    We work with board leadership to determine the process best suited to a particular board at the time.

    We distill and analyze responses, identify issues for further discussion or work and report results back in the aggregate and without attribution. Our recommendations are based on the results and our experience as corporate governance consultants and advisors.

    Our processes are all confidential to encourage candor on the part of the board members. We are mindful of the attorney-client privilege to the extent it may apply to a particular board evaluation.

The Golden Gate Bridge with sailboats in the foreground, symbolizing Veaco Group's broad and impactful corporate governance consulting services available across the USA.

Our Strengths

We offer a distinctive, practical approach to each engagement drawing on our years working with a variety of boards as independent corporate governance consultants and advisors and our prior in-house legal and corporate secretary experience supporting our large public company boards and in implementing sound corporate governance practices. We know what works.

Board members are able to be more candid in their comments on board operations when working with an independent governance consultant, particularly in their self-evaluations and in peer assessments. Independent governance consultants can often be more candid in their comments to the board when presenting the results of the board evaluation.

As governance lawyers, we understand the legal underpinnings of board responsibilities, including fiduciary duties, and how governance practices may aid or hinder boards in carrying out those responsibilities.  


  • “ I have had the great pleasure to work with Kris and Cherie on two engagements in the past year. Both assignments were quite demanding, and they executed flawlessly on all fronts, making efficient use of our time. In my estimation, both boards as a whole and directors individually are functioning more effectively having had the benefit of the Veaco Group’s advisory work.”

    ─ Lisa Hess, Chair, Investment Committee, TIAA; Former Chair, Finance and Investment Committee, Radian Group, Inc.

  • “We engaged Kris and the Veaco Group to do Board performance assessment survey for us. We had done both internal and third party assessments previously, but found the work and feedback that Kris and her team provided to be more thorough, to the point and well thought out than any that we had experienced before. Kris’ style and genuineness is very unique. She was a pleasure to work with and the full Board appreciated the observations and counsel she provided.”

    ─ Gene Batchelder, Former Independent Chairman, Occidental Petroleum Company

  • “It has been a true pleasure to work with the Veaco Group on board effectiveness efforts. The assessment the Veaco Group did was comprehensive and provided us with a clear delineation of how we could improve. I particularly appreciated the detailed recommendations provided as it gave us a blueprint to follow in the years ahead. The Veaco Group’s knowledge and expertise about governance matters is extensive and I found them to go above and beyond what I’ve traditionally experienced with similar engagements.”

    ─ Jan L. Bergen, Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee, Hershey Trust Company Board of Directors; Board of Managers, the Milton Hershey School; Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Penn Medicine, Lancaster General Health

  • “I worked with Kris and Cherie of the Veaco Group a few years ago as Chair of a Governance Committee. They did an excellent job and did it in a way that was constructive and value added. Exceptionally knowledgeable and professional.”

    ─ Margaret (Peggy) Foran, Chief Governance Officer, Senior Vice President and Corporate Secretary, Prudential Financial; Independent Director of a Public Board

  • “Our board has had a relationship with Kris for several years and has benefited from her governance expertise in two separate engagements. Her knowledge is wide and deep, allowing us to enjoy comprehensive support. Her considerable experience as a lawyer and corporate secretary along with her many years advising a large, diverse client base yields valuable insight and solid guidance. She is accessible, reliable, thorough, practical, and flexible. And she is a pleasure to work with!”

    ─ Robin MacGillvray, Former Chair, Nominating and Governance Committee, Simpson Manufacturing Company, Inc.

  • “Please know that you have left an indelible positive impact on our board from your work with us and that we will be looking for ways to partner with you again at some point!”

    ─ Jennifer A. Chatman, Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee, Simpson Manufacturing Company, Inc.; Paul J. Cortese Distinguished Professor of Management, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley

contact us

Contact us to discuss your board evaluation needs and how we can help.