Corporate Governance Consulting
Advancing Board Effectiveness with Governance Consulting
We tailor your governance policies to the needs of your organization and reflect those governance practices and policies that are in support of board members’ ability to meet their fiduciary duties, and that also lead to effective boards and board members. We have seen first-hand which board governance practices and policies can be most effective.
Let us review and revise your governance policies including corporate governance guidelines, board tenure policies, director expectations.
Board Skills Assessments
A skills assessment and resulting skills matrix present a snapshot in time of the skills and competencies of the current members of the board and those areas of expertise important to have on the board based on the company’s industry, current strategy and any regulatory requirements.
Skills matrices are used by the nominating and governance committees of boards as they consider board refreshment and board succession planning.
As company strategies are refined or changed or the composition of the board changes and some particular expertise is or will be lost as a result, the skills matrix will need to be refreshed.
Board tenure and refreshment policies are essential these days to help to ensure continuity and competence among the members of the board. They provide clarity and set expectations for board members. They can also prepare the board for both expected and unexpected transitions in the board’s composition.
There is data to suggest that both boards and CEOs believe one or more of the current board members should be replaced. Having strong board tenure and refreshment policies that are enforced are ways to help address these concerns. A recent board evaluation that includes individual director assessments can also start the conversation that can lead to change in the board’s composition.
There are various approaches to board tenure and board refreshment policies, including age limits, term limits, both of which can be blunt instruments and result in the loss of valuable voices on the board. Some newer approaches are surfacing, including having a combination of longer serving board members and newer board members to bring fresh perspectives balanced by historical knowledge and wisdom. In some cases, the board may increase the size of the board to accommodate a particularly appropriate candidate for the time.
Board evaluations, skills assessments, board tenure policies are all integral to maintaining an effective board that is able to provide sound guidance to and oversight of management and the company based on the company’s current strategic direction.
Let us help.